Baptist Emergency Room & Urgent Care is in-network with most major insurance and Medicare plans.
Reviewed July 31, 2024
Baptist Health Care accepts many forms of insurance. In addition to accepting traditional Medicare and Medicaid, Baptist Health Care accepts the insurances listed below. If you have insurance that does not participate with Baptist Health Care, your financial responsibility may be greater. Baptist Health Care can provide services to our patients using Baptist’s physicians, facilities, urgent and walk-in cares, and surgery centers. The following is a grid to help our patients recognize which insurance each service options participate. Participating locations and physicians are noted by insurance type.
Please review the links below to verify that a particular facility or physician accepts your insurance. If you do not see your insurance plan listed below, please call your insurance provider.
Most limited benefit plans do not provide coverage for all services. Review your policy closely to determine if it covers hospital and emergency services and if there are annual limits. The insurance you purchase could be limited to physician office visits and preventive care or may just be catastrophic in nature. Once the limited benefits have been exhausted, other sources of paying for your care will be needed.